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The Power of Moderation: Why Executives Need a Moderator for Their Online Sessions

In today's business landscape, executives are often tasked with leading online meetings and virtual events. These sessions are essential for decision-making, collaboration, and keeping teams and stakeholders informed. However, as the online world becomes increasingly prominent, the need for effective moderation has never been more critical.

Gone are the early days of the pandemic when many leaders were pivoting and adapting to a new way of working. Online presentations are now commonplace and a critical means of leadership communication; in this blog post, we'll explore when and why executives need a moderator for their online sessions.

The Rise of Virtual Meetings

The rapid adoption of virtual meetings, webinars, and online sessions has been accelerated by technological advancements and the global shift towards remote work. While these digital platforms offer tremendous benefits, they also introduce unique challenges that can hinder productivity, engagement, and the overall success of these sessions. That's where a moderator comes into play.

When to Consider a Moderator

  1. Large Virtual Meetings: When your audience is considerable, such as during all-hands meetings and town halls, industry conferences, or webinars with hundreds or thousands of attendees (or more), a moderator is essential. They can manage the chat, handle technical issues, and ensure a smooth flow.

  2. Complex Topics or Debates: If your online session involves complex information, heated debates, or controversial discussions, a moderator can keep the conversation focused, prevent disruptions, and manage potential conflicts.

  3. Engagement and Interaction: When you want to encourage audience engagement and interaction, a moderator can facilitate 'question and answer' periods, polls, and other interactive elements to maintain audience interest while you can focus on what matters most - the content of your presentation.

  4. Multilingual Audiences: For international audiences where language barriers may exist, a moderator can help bridge the gap, ensuring all participants can understand and engage with the content. Leveraging real-time translation tools should be your moderator's responsibility. 

  5. Technical Support: If your session relies heavily on technology, a moderator can troubleshoot technical issues, guide participants through setup, and address connectivity problems, preventing interruptions that might otherwise derail the session.

The Benefits of Moderation

Now that we've established when a moderator is necessary, let's explore why executives should invest in one for their online sessions:

  1. Professionalism: A moderator adds a layer of professionalism to your online sessions, making your organization appear well-prepared and competent.

  2. Time Management: Moderators keep sessions on schedule, ensuring that presenters and discussions start and end on time, respecting participants' time so that they do not go over the allotted duration.

  3. Reduced Stress: Executives often have enough on their plates without having to worry about technical issues, time management, or managing the chat. A moderator takes these responsibilities off your hands.

  4. Enhanced Engagement: With a moderator handling interactive elements and managing questions, you can focus on delivering your content while the audience remains engaged and connected with your message.

The Moderator's Role

A moderator's role can vary depending on the specific needs of your online session. Some common responsibilities include:

  • Opening and closing the session.
  • Admitting participants from the waiting room for more secure sessions.
  • Managing the chat and Q&A.
  • Introducing speakers (you!) and topics.
  • Facilitating interactive elements (polls, breakout sessions, timers, apps, etc.).
  • Sharing links and downloads on your behalf.
  • Timekeeping and ensuring the session stays on schedule.
  • Handling technical issues and troubleshooting.
  • Managing disruptive participants.
  • Summarizing key points and takeaways.


In the era of virtual meetings and online sessions, executives should recognize the immense value that a skilled moderator can bring to their events. Whether it's maintaining professionalism, ensuring smooth operations, or enhancing engagement, moderators play a crucial role in the success of these sessions.

By investing in a qualified moderator, executives can optimize their online sessions, ensuring that they achieve their intended goals and leave a lasting, positive impression on their audience.

Reach out if we can help with your moderation requirements, whether moderating for you or working with your assistant to level up their skills. 


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